Avril 2015
Percorsi informali/ Informal paths
SMU-research and Philippe Vasset.
Exhibition at MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Roma
Opening: Wednesday April 1, 2015 6.30 pm gallery 2 bis
Project presentation: 7.00 pm
The exhibition will be open to the public from April 2 to May 3
October 2014
Ricerca urbana e linguaggi artistici.
Authors S.M.U.R. Self made Urbanism Rome
edited by C. Cellamare
Manifestolibri, Roma / 2014
Informal Common Grounds
La città autoprodotta/ the self produced city
October 22nd – 26th 2014 in Rome
performances | screenings | presentations | debates and concerts about the self-made city
A project by: S.M.U.R. in collaboration with Teatro Valle Occupato and Metropoliz
More informations: http://smur.eu/events/
Goethe-Institut Rom, Via Savoia 15
Metropoliz, Via Prenestina 913
Download: Program Flyer pdf (italian / english version/ 420 kB)
October 2013
a cura di C. Cellamare
C. Cellamare: Processi di auto-costruzione della città / Self-making processes in the city
D. Colozza: Valutazione quantitativa dell’abusivismo nel Comune di Roma / Quantitative assessment of illegal settlement in the City of Rome
A. Coppola: Evolutions and permanences in the politics (and policy) of informality: notes on the Roman case
A. Lanzetta & A. Perin: The Illegal Master Plan and Everyday Life. Valle Borghesiana si racconta
U3iQuaderni#02: down load pdf
September 2013
S.M.U.R. Self Made Urbanism Rome
Informal Common Grounds of a Metropolitan Area
Exhibition at nGbK Berlin
14 September – 3 November 2013
Opening: Friday, 13 September, 19h
An exhibition project of nGbK (neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst) Berlin,
in cooperation with metroZones – Center for Urban Affairs (Berlin) and SMU-research (Rom/Aarau)
November 2012
Self Made Urbanism Workshop
November 15th – 18th 2012 in Rome
With invited artists to the NGBK exhibition, the NGBK working group, SMU-research Rome and researchers on Via Casilina.
More informations about the programme
August 2012
SMU– research at 13th Biennale di Venezia
Greetings from Valle Borghesiana/ Saluti da Valle Borghesiana
The title “Common Ground” of the 13th International Architecture Biennale, is an opportunity for SMU– research to present the neighborhoord Valle Borghesiana. A selection of materials collected in the area by SMU– research, witnesses of a still undocumented and unpublished story that is as much a personal as collective one, and in any case exemplary for many urban areas.
Avril 2010
NMM – Roma Map is produced by Self Made Urbanity – Research in the framework of New Metropolitan Mainstream Project.
The New Metropolitan Mainstream is found in variations in cities around the globe. The thesis is that there are the same rules that lead to similar results. INURA’s New Metropolitan Mainstream project compares the developments of the last 20 years in more than 40 cities. This will be the framework of debates and the discussions of the 20th INURA conference.
November 2009
The Dossier SMU- research.net report n° 01/09 describes the first steps of our research.
ROMA/ REPORT; International Research on the Informal City, Novembre 2009
down load pdf (3,5 MB)
August 2009
In Pula at the Post Capitalist City Conference we described different aspects of our work made during the 2nd workshop “Imparare da Borghesiana,”speaking about personal stories and collective experiences of political struggles of the inhabitants of these informal settlements and migrants as new inhabitants. An other point we mentioned is the notion of self management and self organisation, that gets very problematic, especially if inhabitants only have political competences but not the power and the mandate to execute.
July 2009
In the framework of the 2nd international workshop: Imparare da Borghesiana / workshop on field in Public History, with the local inhabitants of Borghesiana and its surroundings, in collaboration with Consorzi di Autorecupero and local neighbourhoods assemblies, we started collecting personal stories and collective experiences of political struggles in order to reconstruct the history of these informal settlements, still in the urban recovery process, without forgetting the migrants as new inhabitants of these settlements and the large urban transformations in the new built settlements called „Centralità“ in even farther outskirts of the city.
February 2009
During the 1st international Workshop “SELF MADE CITY” /informal Rome in the framework of a guided tour we visited different settlements born from 1890 until the 1970is in order to illustrate different periods of informal settlements. During our visit we met several representative of self organization in Valle Borghesiana. During the discussions and presentations at Istituto Svizzero di Roma our guests exchanged different experiences and observation methods in multidisciplinary research projects.