We are pleased to inform you about the release of the Serbian and Romani editions, the release of the multi-lingual website and about the project presentation in Belgrade on June 22.
1) Serbian edition: Beograd Gazela – Vodic kroz sirotinjsko naselje
2) Romani edition: Beograd Gazela – Dromesko manualo ande jek corrivani cara
3) Project presentation in Belgrade
4) Multi-lingual website
1) Serbian edition
Lorenc Agerman, Eduard Frojdman, Djan Gildji
Beograd Gazela – Vodic kroz sirotinjsko naselje
Srpski jezik.
Obim: 220 str.
Cena: 1,290.00 RSD
RENDE 2009.
ISBN broj: 978-86-83897-69-8
„Beograd Gazela – Vodic kroz sirotinjsko naselje“ vodi nas u belu mrlju u sred Evrope – u romski slam u centru Beograda: Kako ziveti bez gradske infrastrukture, bez vode, bez struje? Kako se stanovnici organizuju, gde traze poslove? Koliko su zbrinuti po pitanju zdravlja i kulture?
Vodic skrece paznju na mesto sa koga se moze procitati paradigma novije istorije Roma u jugoistocnoj Evropi. On pruza informacije o osnovnim socijalnim kao i ekonomskim stukturama jednog sirotinjskog naselja, o njegovim stanovnicima i njihovoj svakodnevici i otkriva viseslojne mehanizme marginalizacije i diskriminacije Roma.
2) Romani edition
Lorenz Aggermann, Eduard Freudmann, Can Gülcü
Beograd Gazela – Dromesko manualo ande jek corrivani cara
Br. 224 riga
EURO 9,80
DRAVA 2009.
ISBN: 978-3-85435-587-8
„Beograd Gazela – Dromesko manualo ande jek corrivani cara“, savi si jek bipindzardo kotor ando maskar katar e Evropa – o drom ande jek Rromengo slamo – ando centro e Beogradosko. Sar trajil jek manus bi foroske infrastrukturako, bi pajesko thaj bi elektricnone strujako? Sar organizuisaren pe e manusa, saji buci ceren von? Sar si lendi sastimaski akomodacija thaj sar lendi kulturaci akomodacija?
Kaja knjiga indarel e manuse pe jek than, pe savo saj dichel pe e maj paluni Rromendi historija ande jugo-istocno Evropa. Kaja knjiga del informacija pa fundamentalne socialne thaj ekonomijace strukture katar jek corrivani cara, pa lace manusa thaj lengo svako-desesko trajo thaj sikavel e kompleksne mehanizmurja katar e marginalizacija thaj diskriminacija e Rromendi.
3) Project presentation in Belgrade
We kindly invite you to the project presentation and subsequent audience discussion in Belgrade:
Monday, June 22, 2009, 7 p.m.
Project presentation and audience discussion moderated by Vladan Jeremic
(in English, with simultaneous translation into Serbian and Romani)
The exact location and detailed information will be announced soon.
„Beograd Gazela: Travel Guide to a Slum“ takes us into a blank area in the middle of Europe – in a Roma slum in the center of Belgrade. How does one live without a city infrastructure, without water, without electricity? How do the inhabitants organize themselves and what kind of jobs do they have? What is their situation in regard to health care or the cultivation of their cultural life?
The travel guide directs our attention to a place which is paradigmatic for the recent history of Roma in Southeastern Europe. It provides essential information about the social and economic structures of a slum, about the inhabitants and their daily lives and exposes the complex mechanisms of marginalization and discrimination against Roma.
4) Multi-lingual website
The project’s website is updated and is now available in Serbian, Romani, German and English: