Aug 09 13

SELF MADE CITY is urbanXchange

Filed under: — andy @ 7:59


Conference on Post-capitalist City,  Pula – Croatia, 14.-16.8.2009
Before the splitting of the Self Made City working group we were invited as co- founder of the Self Made City project.
This is the reason because at this conference we are still announced as Self Made City.

At the conference we will present as urbanXchange our new and still unnamed project. We will speak about the workshop „Imparare da Borghesiana“ which took place in Rome in July 2009.

More informations:

About urbanXchange

Aug 09 12

Conference on Post-capitalist City, Pula 14.-16.8.2009

Filed under: — andy @ 7:35

The city is the space where the reproduction of social, political and economic forms of life takes
place and where these forms of life confront instrumental political power or political diagonal. This
reproduction of forms of life represents the central site of exploitation as well as of resistance.
Resistance is manifested through production of common values and through cooperation. This
complex environment can be the key force behind the making of democracy, justice, common
values and free space. Cities can become places of post-capitalism. (mehr …)