Feb. 10 15

Casilino 900, via le ultime famiglie

Filed under: — andy @ 9:36

dopo il trasloco sigilli al campo nomadi.
Chiude l’area che ospitava 600 persone:
ruspe al lavoroa mezzogiorno il sindaco Alemanno ha chiuso i cancelli

ROMA – Un silenzio irreale. Rotto soltanto dal rumore delle ruspe che entrano in azione per abbattere le ultime baracche. Al di là del cancello del «Casilino 900», il campo nomadi abusivo più grande d’Europa, lunedì mattina c’era il deserto. Non si sentivano più le voci dei bambini, delle donne intente a chiacchierare, dei ragazzi che parlavano tra loro. Gianni Alemanno è arrivato intorno alle 12.30, ha indossato un giubbetto catarifrangente come quello degli operai addetti allo sgombero, poi ha presenziato alla chiusura definitiva dei cancelli.

Poco prima, la ruspa che buttava giù la «case» – per 40 anni, fino al 14 febbraio, il campo ha ospitato rom bosniaci, montenegrini e kosovari, aveva abbattuto simbolicamente l’ultima baracca, davanti al sindaco.

Leggi l’articolo: Redazione online 15 febbraio 2010
Corriwere della Sera (ultima modifica: 17 febbraio 2010)

Sep. 09 11

Antiziganism and Class Racism in Europe

Filed under: — andy @ 13:13

text by Vladan Jeremic and Rena Rädle

Antiziganism and Class Racism in Europe by Vladan Jeremic and Rena Rädle, April 2009 The Roma have a long history of migrations that repeatedly brought repression to their people over the centuries. European countries began introducing laws against migrating peoples (i.e. nomads, travelers) in the mid-Fifteenth century (1). Migrants were perceived as an unsettling factor, even as a threatening and invading group, one that jeopardized the safety of the majority population. Without a registered identity, many Roma remain completely isolated as citizens in the societies on whose territories they live. Being constantly relocated and repopulated, many have been migrants over the centuries; even within the boundaries of the countries whose citizenship they hold. Apart from accusations, disappointments and misunderstandings in their relations with the majority population, we are still facing deep discrimination of Roma, which doesn’t have its roots only in ethnic and cultural racism or anti-Roma sentiment. Poverty and nomadism are threatening factors for all of those who live in social systems based on the system of ownership, accumulation of goods and territorialism. Western policies have tried for centuries to include the poor in the system of social protection, or to get rid of them: to banish or eliminate them. Roma are, for the most part, an ethnic class characterized by extreme poverty that can present an obstacle to national or European integrations. It appears that the relation between Roma and non-Roma is, first and foremost, defined by the borderline between wealth and extreme poverty. The situation of Roma in EU member countries is precarious and in countries populated to a greater extent by Roma, such as Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and in the former Yugoslav republics (especially in Macedonia and Serbia) – the situation is alarming. The situation in which most European Roma find themselves is similar to that of a holocaust. One of the basic problems facing a Roma man or a woman is the issue of belonging to a marginalized social class that is exposed to drastic pauperization, in addition to the problem of the national identity itself – the fact of being Roma.

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Sep. 09 09


Filed under: — andy @ 13:18

produced by Biro Beograd
Short documentary about the protests due to the demolishing of the Roma settlement at Block 67 in New Belgrade, Serbia, in April 2009.

Juni 09 06

Perpetual Gypsy Pavilion

Filed under: — andy @ 7:34

The launch of the Perpetual Gypsy Pavilion is a response to a twofold crisis. While 2007 saw the acclaimed first Roma Pavilion in Venice (www.romapavilion.org), the planned Roma Pavilion in 2009 was canceled at very short notice. This highly unfortunate situation is made all the more acute by the fact that in 2009, the Venice Biennale is taking place amid extreme violations of the human rights of Romani People (Gypsies) in Italy and in other European countries.
More about: http://perpetualpavilion.org/

General information, blogs, articles, web sites: http://perpetualpavilion.org/?page_id=17

Juni 09 02


Filed under: — andy @ 8:18


We are pleased to inform you about the release of the Serbian and Romani editions, the release of the multi-lingual website and about the project presentation in Belgrade on June 22.

1) Serbian edition: Beograd Gazela – Vodic kroz sirotinjsko naselje
2) Romani edition: Beograd Gazela – Dromesko manualo ande jek corrivani cara
3) Project presentation in Belgrade
4) Multi-lingual website

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März 09 29

Kampagne in Rumänien „Zigeuner“ statt „Roma“

Filed under: — andy @ 12:29

Eine Kampagne in Rumänien fordert, die Roma nur noch „Zigeuner“ zu nennen. Angeblich werde sonst das Image des Landes besudelt. Stammtische sind von dem Vorschlag begeistert. VON WILLIAM TOTOK
Von rechten Rumänen scharf angefeindet: Roma in Bukarest. Foto: dpa

BERLIN taz Vor einigen Tagen veröffentlichte die Bukarester Zeitung Jurnalul National den Vorschlag, im öffentlichen Sprachgebrauch nur noch den Begriff Zigeuner zu benutzen und auf die Bezeichnung Roma gänzlich zu verzichten. Die Anregung löste erwartungsgemäß einen Beifallssturm aus. Der virtuelle Stammtisch schwärmte von diesem Vorstoß und lobte die Zeitungsmacher im Internet als ausgesprochen mutig, pro-rumänisch und patriotisch.

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März 09 23

Politikerin Járóka über die Lage der Roma

Filed under: — andy @ 11:21

„Der Staat muss sich einmischen“

Wachsende Ausgrenzung und Armut, dazu patriarchale Traditionen: Die schwierige Lage der Roma in Osteuropa geht die ganze EU an, findet die ungarische Roma-Politikerin Lívia Járóka.
„Ein Problem ist die Ausbeutung von Kindern, die zum Betteln gezwungen werden“: Lívia Járóka. Foto: europaparlament

taz: Frau Járóka, die Europäische Union hat sich schon oft mit der Lage der Roma in Europa beschäftigt. Trotzdem bleibt die Situation dieser größten ethnischen Minderheit im vereinigten Europa prekär, mancherorts kommt es, wie jüngst in Ungarn, immer wieder zu brutalen Übergriffen auf Roma. Hat alles also nichts gebracht?

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