
S.M.U.R.saloon #1

mit: Carlo Cellamare (Stadtplaner, Sapienza Università di Roma, Autor der Publikation ‘Progettualità dell’agire urbano’) Kommentar: Elke Krasny (Kulturtheoretikerin & Kuratorin, Wien, Autorin der Publikation ‚Hands-On Urbanism’)

NGBK, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Oranienstr.25, D-10999 Berlin
Sa. 8. Juni 2013, 20.30 Uhr

Jenseits des touristischen Roms sind vielfältige Teile der Stadt von den NutzerInnen selbst geschaffen worden. Das Ausstellungs- und Erkundungsprojekt „Self Made Urbanism Rome“ geht diesen Zonen im Rahmen einer Ausstellung in der NGBK im September nach. Eine erste Preview wird im Rahmen der Langen Buchnacht präsentiert. Mehr Informationen

download pdf: S.M.U.R.saloon #1

Creating Residents‘ Consortiums:

The “O Zone” and “Toponym” Experiments in Rome


Carlo Cellamare and Antonella Perin
in Revista Critica Nr. 91

In Rome during the last century, the phenomenon of abusivismo (which in Italian signifies a genuine „illegal urban culture“) became a common method of developing urban agglomerations. With the passing of time the phenomenon – originally seen as a „necessity“ due to the inability of the public authorities to find a solution to the lack of housing for the more vulnerable sections of society – became a means of building quality housing at accessible prices, designed for a wealthier public and, later, a speculative activity, involving situations in which the builders were not necessarily residents and the land was not used for residential purposes only. Since the 1962 General Regulatory Plan, the progressive coalitions governing the capital have been dealing with the phenomenon structurally. This article describes a measure devised by the City Council – in the absence of any national legislation regulating the informal city – based on creating consortiums of residents for independent recovery work, and discusses the added value of residents‘ participation in the legal and urban development regulation of the areas in which they live.

BRINGING ACADEMY and Policy together to Benefit Roma Communities in Europe

Open session of the EPP Working Group on Roma Inclusion

Tuesday, 30 November 2010
10:00-13:00 in room JAN 6Q1

This meeting is open to the public. However, for security reasons, participants who do not have a European Parliament access badge must obtain a pass in advance.

More informations and registration: Bringing Academy and Policy toghether

New Metropolitan Mainstream

20th INURA – Conference from 27 to 30 June 2010 in Zurich

The last 20 years of urban development were marked by enormous urbanisation. Asia, Africa and Latinamerica experienced a tremendous growth of their cities. Besides urban sprawl a huge range of cities and metropolitan regions experienced a reurbanisation and urban renaissance. Globalisation brought about similar developments in inner cities, similar strategies of regeneration and urban transformation, among them culturalisation, privatisation of public goods and liberalisation of housing. Many regions also experienced an ongoing polarisation of urban rich and urban poor. The New Metropolitan Mainstream is found in variations in cities around the globe. The thesis is that there are the same rules that lead to similar results. INURA’s New Metropolitan Mainstream project compares the developments of the last 20 years in more than 20 cities. This will be the framework of debates and the discussions of the 20th INURA conference.


Peppino Vive nel Parco

iniziative per ricordare Peppino Impastato
Collina della Pace, Finocchio
domenica 9 Maggio 2010
ore 16.00

In occasione dell‘ Assemblea Pubblica organizzata dal Comitato di quartiere Casilina 18
Self Made Urbanity research ( SMU-research) partecipa conl’esposizione dei progetti del corso di Composizione Architettonica Prof. Ferro Trabalzi e Windy Zhao

IOWA State University College of Design Rome Program
e gli studenti del corso dell’Università la Sapienza di RomaFacoltà di Ingegneria, corso di Progettazione Urbana eAmbientale prof. Carlo Cellamare.
Tramite dei questionari gli studenti faranno un inchiesta sui problemi e le proposte della zona.


Die neue Stadt

Fabrikzeitung Ausgabe Nr. 261
down load pfd (3,1 MB):  Fabrikzeitung Nr. 261

Die Städte sind attraktiv geworden und eine Reurbansierung hat stattgefunden. Diese Entwicklung hat ambivalente Folgen: In vielen Städten wurde die allgemeine Situation verbessert, städtische Kultur erlebe eine Wiedergeburt. Gleichzeitig dazu wurden die Städte für globale Investoren interessanter. Die Kehrseiten der Entwicklung sind dabei soziale Segregation, Polarisierung der Einkommen, Privatisierung des öffentlichen Raumes, bis hin zu Verdrängungen von Teilen der Bevölkerung.

Die aktuelle Ausgabe untersucht die erstarkte soziale, ökonomische und kulturelle Bedeutung der Kernstädte. In den Beiträgen von Martin Büsser, Philipp Klaus, Susanna Perin und Vesna Tomse werden Alternativen und Zukunftsmodelle untersucht, welche die genannten Ungleichgewichte entschärfen können.


Sopralluogo a Finocchio

19 Marzo 2010
con gli studenti dell’Università HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Studiengang Urban Design (prof. Ingrid Breckner)
e dell’Università la Sapienza di Roma,
Facoltà di Ingegneria, corso di Progettazione Urbana e Ambientale (prof. Carlo Cellamare)


ore 10 incontro al parco Collina della Pace con il comitato di quartiere casilina 18 ore 12 visita Finocchio e Valle Borghesiana ore 16 incontro al centro Anziani Emilio Pierini di Finocchio con l’arch. Mirella Di Giovine

Rome Adriatic


ETH Studio Basel Prof. Roger Diener, Prof. Marcel Meili
Spring-semester 2010
research studio/field-trip Rome-Adriatic
March 18th – April 1st

Introduction lectures

March 18th, 17.30
University of Waterloo, School of Architecture
Piazza di Sant‘Apollonia 3, Roma

Francesco Garofalo, Architect, Rome
Antonella Perin & Carlo Cellamare, Urbanists, Rome


Hafen City Universität Hamburg

Gastvortrag: Antonella Perin

Ort: HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Averhoffstraße 383.Stock, Raum 374
Veranstalter: Studiengang Urban Design

Mehr: Hafen City Universität /Urban Design

Post Capitalist City

Post-Capitalist City

Pula – Croatia, august, 14th to 16th 2009

International conference under the title „Post-capitalist City“ was held from 14. to 16. August in Pula. Fourteen European groups presented their work in the context of political reading of the city and new forms of production emerging in different spaces.

At the conference we presented  “Imparare da Borghesiana” the workshop on fiel in Public History, which took place in Rome in July 2009. More about the conference:

Mapping Borghesiana

2nd International Workshop on the Informal City

Imparare da Borghesiana

Workshop on Field in Public History
unbanXchange in collaboration with Consorzi di Valle Borghesianae Ponte di Nona Pratofiorito.

Valle Borghesiana, Roma 14th to 18th July 2009

During the workshop “Public History” in collaboration with local inhabitants and with Consorzi di Valle Borghesiana, we will collect personal stories and collective experiences in order to reconstruct the history of the settlement: the construction phase, the phase of self organization and collective negotiation in within the community and with the political authorities until the formation and consolidation of this settlements. Starting from the point of view and in collaboration with the protagonists, we will develop a public presentation and visual narrative.
The other key point of our intervention on the territory is the question around the issues of (new) immigration and the processes of exclusion and inclusion as the question of the formation of a new concept of community in this very special neighbourhood.

Giuded Tour

1st International Workshop on the Informal City


Rome, february 1st to 4th, 2009

Istituto Svizzero di Roma, Villa Maraini, via Ludovisi 48, Roma

Concept and Organization: Romolo Ottaviani/ Antonella Sonia Perin/ Susanna Perin
Special Thanks: Istituto Svizzero di Roma FORUM AUSTRIACO DI CULTURA ROMA and to all friends who supported us.