Architect and photographer, lives and works in Rome. PhD in Architectonic Composition and Theory of Architecture, he’s teaching Architectonic and Urban Design and Land Design at the Faculty of Architecture „Ludovico Quaroni“ at „La Sapienza“ University of Rome. Editor of the review „Gomorra – Territori e culture della metropoli contemporanea“ and of the digital magazine Since 2004 he participates in the cultural association Plug-in (with E. Piccardo and L. Siotto) and he’s founder with A. Tzompanakis of Ma_A (Mediterranean architecture Atelier), within which he carries out professional and research activities in the field of architecture, photography and contemporary art. He’s actually working on some projects with Ma_A at Roccapriora (Rome) and Iraklion (Greece), and with AAVV (M. Cardone and M. Scognamiglio) at Isola del Giglio (Or). In the past he has collaborated with many other architects, artists and experimental groups of research. His projects and photo works have been published on magazines, architecture reviews and publications dealing with the theme of the metropolis. He has showed his works at various exhibitions, among which his personal exhibition Litorali Opachi in the Galleria Studio Lipoli & Lopez and the collective exhibitions Residential Area in Kivelänränta, Jyväskylä at the Museum of Central Finland of Jyväskylä, Finland, „L’Utopia Praticabile – 6 Ipertesti Metropolitani“ at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum of Rome, Sguardi nel paesaggio. A report on contemporary Italian photograpy in the space of the Colonia montana of Renesso, in the municipality of Savignone (Genoa).
Alessandro Lanzetta
website by: Schaufler & Perin | made with free software as Inkscape, Gimp, Gedit and Bluefish
images by: J.Becker, A. Lanzetta, A. Perin, S. Perin and from the personal archive of Mauro Baldi