Born in Massa, Italy. Graduated in Architecture at the University of Florence in 1991.
Reseach and Studies
In 2003 Marcuccetti completed his Master in “Progettazione di chiese”- Church Planning. He has since then held various courses, such as: “Progettazione di chiese” -Church Planning, “Religioni monoteiste (Elementi di architettura e iconografia)” – Monteistic Religions (architectonic and icongrafic elements) in Rome and “Arte per la liturgia” – Art for lithurgy in Lecce (Italy).
Further courses
“Analisi dell’architettura sacra contemporanea” – Analysis of comtemporary sacred architecture and “Elementi di progettazione di nuove chiese” – Planning elements for new Churches.
From 2005 Marcuccetti collaborates with the Faculty of Architecture Valle Giulia: Five-year BA Degree in Architecture Architectural Planning and Interior Design Lab. Currently Marcuccetti is completing his PhD in Sacral Space at the Facoltà di Architettura Valle Giulia di Roma and in collaboration with Laboratorie T.V.E.S, Université Lille nord de France.
-2004 conference “Dall’opera d’arte all’edificio, dall’edificio alla città” – Restauration in Sacral Space at the DENKMAL fair on restaurations in Leipzig, Germany;
– 2008 conference “Abitare i luoghi di culto nelle religioni monoteiste” Living with and in sacral space in Monoteistic Religions – IV edition of the Biblical Festival in Vicenza, Italy;
– 2009 conference “Il gusto del sacro” The sacred tast) at the first edition of Ecclesia a Campi Salentina.
From 2006 to 2009 Marcuccetti studied Oriental Philosophy “From Samkhya to Tantra” with Prof. Torella from the University La Sapienza of Rome, Faculty of Oriental Studies. Currently Marcuccetti is a free-lance architect