Architect was born in Switzerland. She currently lives and works in Italy. Her professional activities and research deal with public space and urban design, working on informal settlements and participated urban planning. She is co-founder of urbanXchange and of the SMU research project.Since 2002 she has been dealing with projects of urban redevelopment plans for informal settlements named “Toponimi” in the city of Rome, Valle Borghesiana.In 1999 she was among the foun- ders of the group amgod # n, this group took part in numerous competitions, national and international seminars and obtained several awards, amgod # n presented its work in events, universities and cultural institutions in Italy and abroad. The projects were published in books, catalogues and magazines (selec- ted), 2°A+P “La generazione della rete, Sperimentazioni nell’architettura italiana “ Cooper Castelvecchi, Roma 2003; 50 Nuova architettura italia- na. Due generazioni a confronto, Motta, Milano, 2002; Dominique Pieters, “Geen plaats voor naïviteit” in “de Architect”, 33/2002; Amgod#n in “Il progetto”, 11/2002. Public facilities and service projects: neighbourhood centre including a covered market, shopping centre plaza and parks, Rome; sports, social and cultural activities park design, Rome; multi-storey car park with shopping centre. Selected urban design competition projects: Europan 9, Gyor –Hungary 2008 (honourable mention);Europan 6,Catania –Italy 2001 ( winning project); interchange parking Monti Tiburtini, Roma Italy 2001(honourable mention).
Antonella Sonia Perin

website by: Schaufler & Perin | made with free software as Inkscape, Gimp, Gedit and Bluefish
images by: J.Becker, A. Lanzetta, A. Perin, S. Perin and from the personal archive of Mauro Baldi