Monica Rossi

PhD, Urban sociologist, Ethnographer and author of Socio Anthropological documentaries.

Participates to various researches on ethnic minorities in the Roman urban area on the themes of immigration, social exclusion and integration processes with particular regard to the Maghrebi and Roma communities.

Has done extensive researches and written articles on Roma’s situation in Italy on social change and exclusion and integration processes, and participated to various national and international conferences on this theme.

Has taught Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Molise and collaborated with different research groups and institutions.

Recent Publications:

“Silvana cambia casa”. In: De Angelis R. (ed.) (2005) Iperurbs: Roma, visioni di conflitto e di mutamenti urbani. Roma: Derive e Approdi Editore.

“Rom a Roma, pratiche di integrazione e controllo: il campo di Casilino 700”. In: De Angelis R. and F. M. Calvosa (eds.) (2006) La periferia perfetta. Roma: Franco Angeli Editore.
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NECE Conference: „Rethinking Citizenship Education in European Migration Societies“. Lisbon, 26-28 April 2007.
„Life in a Shadow Economy Oriented Nation: The Case of Roma in Italy“.

„Istituzioni, Rom e Politiche sociali a Roma. Spunti per una discussione critica“.
In: L. d’Orsi e M. Torani (eds.) (2009) Rom(a): Monadi o Nomadi?. Roma: La Sapienza editrice.